Meta tags are meta codes pasted on the header section of blogs which improves search traffic, organic trafic, and high ranking in search engines.OR Meta tags are piece of code or scripts that identifies a blog main objectives and help search engine robots to get the content of the site/blog for easy ranking and search listing.
This Search engines (SE) uses robot scripts to crawl a blog page or web page, and they make use of header contents commands before they proceed in crawling. Many blog have high content but no high traffic or search results to help them get clicks. This problems can be resolved by meta tags for optimal search engine ranking.
Below are the useful meta tags to put in your blog header section of the html codes to get high search engine ranking and listing like top SE of google, yahoo, bing, ask and so on.
KEYWORDSThis meta Tags is placed in the header section of your blog html file and should be fixed with care. Below is the screenshot of the code in the html file of my blogger blog.
This is also an important part of search engine optimization of your bloger blog to search results. It is a great tool for any blogger to get high rank on all search engines
You can see from the above the good from the bad and how it can affect your users even if you are listed on google or other search engine results. If you type on search engine to request for free browsing cheat, among the above the above search list which one will you prefer.
With this 2 meta tags you can get your blogger blog listed and ranked well on blogger with easy without stress.
This codes should be inserted with care on your blog html file if not, it can cause search engines to stop crawling your site until treated fine.
back up your blog before you try it on blogger to be on a save side.
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