Wednesday, November 9, 2016

See What Damages Life of a Laptop Battery Quickly

This tutorial giving you the activities that we do and laptops battery get damaged easily, some even go beyond repair. Laptop batteries are also programmed to regulate current entering and distributing.
Below are the possible actions that we take that damages the batteries life span.

  1. OVER CHARGING: When these cells are over charged, they reduce in strength and causes their life span to reduces also. In situation where you leave the laptop or computer on charging till the next is very wrong, and sometimes the batteries do lost the energy as heat. Thereby reducing its capacity to retain the energy for efficient use.
  2. OVER USING: Over using of your computer's battery is not a better idea even when you are running and important task. The best thing here is to go and be charging and using the battery if the task is so important to you. Make sure you have electricity when doing such intelligent work.
  3. ALWAYS FULL LED LIGHT: Leaving on the led light of your computer to high is also not advisable to do. This is because even when you are gone for one important assignment or urgency, the light will be left like that. So it wasting or consuming that a higher rate than normal and if this process happens often, it increasingly reduce your battery life.
  4. OPERATING IN AN UNVENTILATED COVER: By operating your device always on the bed, flat chairs, This alone causes the computer to be short of air or oxygen, and by so doing, it will begin to generate an usual heat, that can destroy the cells in the battery. This should be placed on any object that can give the base passage of air for the system to be aerated or have air for it cooling process.

Avoiding the above dangers can help protect your computer's battery. So do ensure to keep to the instructions of the above to improve your batteries life.

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